What To Look For When Buying a Luxury Designer Handbag
Purchasing a new luxury designer handbag might not be in your budget at the moment, however you can own that dream Louis Vuitton handbag by purchasing it second hand. Researching top, reputable used handbag dealers is the first step in your journey to purchasing your new, used handbag. Now when we say used, we don’t necessarily mean beat up, ripped, torn to shreds. We simply mean that the handbag was previously owned and may or may not have some signs of slight wear. If you’re the type to love designer but can’t quite afford “out of the store” handbags, then purchasing from a previously owned handbag boutique is the best route to take. There are a lot of scam artists out there that will tell you exactly what you want to hear, so it’s important for you to do your research. Try locating boutiques in your area, or ask your friends and family if they can recommend a resale boutique for handbags.
Knowing exactly what you want in a handbag is important as well. Knowing the luxury brand that you’re interested in makes your search so much easier. That Louis Vuitton handbag that you had your eye on for months just might be sitting in a pre-owned handbag boutique waiting for you to come and claim it! SellYourHandbag of Boca Raton, Florida has a simple and easy website that allows the viewer to search handbags by brand, so finding that LV handbag will be a cinch! Another good aspect of purchasing from a pre-owned handbag boutique, is that the boutique is constantly buying and selling new used handbags, so their inventory is constantly changing daily. So if you happen to not see that specific handbag that caught your eye today, another one might melt your heart the very next day!
When it comes to finding the right handbag, it’s super important to ask as many questions as possible about the handbag. Authenticity is a major factor. Knowing if that handbag is an authentic luxury designer handbag can make or break your decision to buy it. Mostly all high end luxury designer handbags comes with a date code, or stamp of authenticity hidden somewhere in each handbag. If you’re researching a handbag online, it’s important for the seller to mention the date code, or even provide an image of the date code on the handbag. Some handbags, such as Chanel, may not have visible date codes, or may have fallen off over the years. Many vintage Chanel handbags that are on the market today are without date codes simply because they have fallen out of the bag from use.
Purchasing a gently used handbag that comes with an original receipt is like hitting the jackpot! This allows you to know what the retail price for that handbag was at the time of original purchase, and gives you a better feeling knowing it was purchased from that actual designer retail store. When you’re looking for that perfect handbag, whether you’re searching online or visiting a pre-owned handbag boutique, it’s important to inspect every angle of the handbag. If you’re searching online, make sure there are detailed pictures of every side of the handbag, including the interior. Making a commitment to purchasing a handbag online can be a hassle. Everything may seem perfectly in-tact on the website, however when you receive your bag, it may be a different story. Knowing where every imperfection, stain, pen mark, or scuff mark is on the bag can help you make your decision a lot easier. Pre-owned handbags won’t be perfect, and that is why you’re getting them at the best prices! It’s like you’re purchasing a car; once you drive that car off the lot, it has already depreciated by several thousands of dollars. This can be the same for handbags; even though a handbag is well kept, almost like new, you’re capable of purchasing it at a very low cost because it was previously owned.
Going back to that new Louis Vuitton handbag that you love so much, but just can’t quite afford; if you do your research you just might find the right boutique that might be selling a pre-owned one in excellent condition! If you’re interested in searching for that perfect gently used designer handbag, take a look through our inventory which changes daily. Our inventory consists of only genuine high end luxury designer handbags such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and Hermes.