What To Look For In a Handbag
What do you look for when shopping for your next luxury designer handbag? Is it the brand in particular you shop for? Do you shop for color, comfort, material? Do you shop for the hottest trends and styles, or are you an individual who loves to shop outside of the box and sticks with your own personal taste? There are hundreds of details you could look for when buying your new luxury designer handbag.
I think we can all agree that style is an important factor in the decision buying process of a handbag. We must love the bag in order to buy it right? Everyone has their own style, so finding the right bag that fits your personality is key. Another important detail to look for when buying a new handbag is versatility. Unless you’re specifically buying a handbag to match one specific outfit for one specific occasion, then we want to actually be able to wear this new handbag multiple times, am I right? Not only does the handbag need to be versatile, it needs to serve a purpose. We buy handbags to hold our everyday essentials, so if a handbag cannot hold what we need, then it just simply cannot provide for us. These handbags below have a little of each of the three details we’ve discussed; style, versatility, and purpose.
Formally Yves Saint Laurent, this Saint Laurent handbag resembles the trendy Hermes Birkin handbag and if you know trends and styles, you know that the Birkin is one of the most popular handbag styles on the market. This sleek, beige handbag is lightweight, comfortable to hold, goes with almost any outfit because of its color, and can be worn throughout the year. Let’s also add that it has enough space and plenty of compartments to hold almost anything except the kitchen sink! Did we also mention that this Saint Laurent bag is pre-owned? It’s in excellent condition, with hardly any blemishes, stains, or imperfections and nearly half the price that it was sold for in retail stores brand new!
Another handbag we found, which is also pre-owned that will fit into each category of style, versatility and purpose is this beautiful Celine Micro Luggage Tote handbag! Just by the shape of this handbag you can tell it has much style and sophistication. Its unusual shape gives it the illusion that is is larger than it truly is. This handbag might seem like it is heavy due to the leather and structured build but it is quite light on the hand, and shoulder. With such neutral colors, it can also be worn year round and with its unique classiness it can be worn from work to play. With a deep spacious interior, this handbag has plenty of interior space to hold your important daily essentials such as your make up case, wallet, cell phone and even your tablet!
Are you a fan of the luxury name brand handbags but don’t necessarily admire their logo plastered all of the handbag for everyone to see? Well this Louis Vuitton handbag might be more your style. Now even though it is embossed in LV logos, it is not as noticeable as the normal monogrammed prints you are used to seeing with Louis Vuitton handbags. This dark navy leather shoulder bag is called a Louis Vuitton Citadine PM Infini bag, and comes with a small pochette attached inside! This is again another pre-owned handbag that has been kept in excellent condition and can serve as a tote bag for the day, or take out the adorable matching pochette and you have yourself an evening clutch. This beautiful dark navy is a beautiful color that can be worn all seasons and the leather is sturdy enough to carry your laptop if your a business woman, diapers and baby bottles if you’re a mother, or your school books and papers if you’re a student; one very versatile shoulder bag don’t you think? Tote bags will never go out of style due to their large size and capabilities of holding much more than the average handbag.
So the next time you go searching for a new luxury designer handbag, keep these three details in mind. Style is important, because we want to love the handbag we wear. We want people to compliment our bags, and ask us what we are wearing. Make sure the handbag is versatile. You want to wear this bag for numerous occasions with different outfits. Unless you have an unlimited amount of money and can afford every color handbag possible, choose a bag that will suit all of your outfits from casual to dress. Lastly, find that handbag that will serve a purpose to you. If you need a bag with many compartments, you don’t want to spend your money on one that may be the hottest new handbag out that only has one small pocket for change, and nothing more. Find something that will keep your organized, so you can easily access everything you keep inside of a purse. Most importantly, the secret detail to look for in a handbag, is the warm, fuzzy feeling it gives you when you see it and hold it for the first time!