In the luxury goods market, handbags are one of the most coveted items due to their desirability and visibility. Women prefer access to luxury handbags because of their wide recognition and strong performance. There are a few brand names that stand out above the others for global luxury consumers. Here are the top five fashion lines that offer the most premium brands for luxury handbags.
Chanel. A popular favorite among royalty and dignitaries, Chanel is a recognized name in the luxury handbag industry. The Chanel name brand has been personified by actresses and models to include Marilyn Monroe and Nicole Kidman. One popular style is model 2.55 which is made in quilted leather and comes with adjustable double chains. It is a classy look that can be worn on the shoulder or the arm. The company continues to see an increase in value and sales continue to rise since demand for their luxury handbags seems to never go out of style. The Chanel trademark represented by two interlocked letters and all handbags are numbered.
Prada. With flagship stores in various locations around the globe, Prada boutiques offer some of the most influential luxury handbags in the world. Providing an elegant design aesthetic and innovative lines that keep customers demanding more and more, Prada continues to be a driving force in the luxury handbag industry. Designer Miuccia Prada has been credited for some of the best creations in handbag designs and continues to be a creative force.
Gucci. Known as a top global brand and one of the biggest selling Italian brands of all time, it’s no surprise that handbags made by this designer include some of the finest crafted leather handbags with the iconic touch that is distinctive only to this brand. The company continues to enjoy a growing reputation with international status symbols posing with their handbags for magazines around the world.
Hermes. This company is known for producing some of the most expensive luxury handbags with prices starting at $6000 or more. Handbags are categorized according to the silhouette of the bag. All bags are made to order and some people wait for years in some cases to get a Hermes handbag. The bags of continued to grow in popularity over the years because the leather used in the design is very durable.
Louis Vuitton. One of the most recognized monograms in the world, this company stands alone as one of the world’s leading international fashion houses and has been named the world’s most valuable luxury brand for several consecutive years. Due to the company’s status symbol, Louis Vuitton is one of the most counterfeited brands in the fashion world. Demand for their handbags remains high because the craftsmanship used to produce all of their products is second-to-none. One popular design is the NN 14 PM Cuir Nuance which was featured at the company’s 2014 women’s fashion show.
With so many selections to choose from with distinctive names that attract attention from celebrities, world leaders, and women who love their favorite luxury handbags, it is no wonder why these five companies rank so high. Serving as trendsetters around the world, these designers provide quality luxury handbags that attract attention and get noticed.